Sean Paul Gallegos
The Guarded Heart, 2021
discarded sneaker scraps, thread, findings and glass dome 11.5 x 6 x 6 in.
The sculpture is sewn and embroidered by hand. A self-exploration, discovering the chains and locks I have around my own heart. Completed during the lockdown phase of the pandemic while we had infinite time to explore ourselves whether we wanted it or not.
Sean Paul Gallegos
Trinity of Hybrids Map, 2021
Wool woven on cotton warp utilizing the four-selvage method with pearl cotton hand embroidery 9 x 12 x .75 in
Commissioned map by the Compass Roses Project for the City of Albuquerque in 2021.
Sean Paul Gallegos
Madonna and Child, 2019
discarded toddler and adult sneakers, thread, taxidermy eyes, wire 18.5 x 14 x 12 in.
The sculpture is sewn and embroidered by hand. From the Untouchables Series of sneaker sculptures focusing on the parts of our existence we as a society dismiss. The disgraced pigeons juxtaposing the highest reference to the mother child relationship and the iconic sculpture by Michelangelo.
Sean Paul Gallegos
Meeting of the Mound Builders, 2019
wool on cotton warp utilizing the four-selvaged method 10 x 7.25 x .25 in.
Derived from the fragmented history told by the victor that we hear today. This was the fourth of the four-selvaged tapestry fragment weavings of the Never the Whole Story Series. Referencing the mysteries of the mound builder culture these fragmented pieces were created to have missing parts. Thus exploring the concept visually of never the whole story.
Sean Paul Gallegos
My Gemini Heart Neckpiece, 2020
hand sewn and embroidered discarded sneaker scraps, thread, cotton tablet woven cord, findings 28 x 6 x 2.25 in.
In the tradition of my practice, I often create a relation neckpiece. Worn to the relation scuplture’s exhibition opening reception. The relation sculpture is the first piece submitted Corazon Alado currently on view at the 41st Contemporary Craft exhibition at the Mesa Contemporary Art Museum. This is the latest in the mashup of hand sewn and embroidered sneaker sculpture on a tablet woven cord.
Sean Paul Gallegos
Universal Truths, 2020
tablet woven cotton and synthetic fibers 4 x 6 x .25 in.
This tapestry postcard was created using the left over threads from another tablet weaving project. The colors represent arteries and veins. The sparkle fibers add a glimmer of hope. The words woven are hashtags we have seen a lot this year (2020). But to me they are givens. Phrases that are irrefutable. These universal truths need to still be stated in this current reality we liven in. AS some people see them as not universal but solely fo their segregated population and no on else. This was woven as a reminder, the chosen place from which I create regularly.
Sean Paul Gallegos
Death State, 2018
hand sewn and embroidered discarded high top sneaker, sneaker lining, thread, leather and grommet 10.25 × 7 × 8.5 in.
The sculpture is sewn and embroidered by hand. This human sized skull is part of the Obsession with Death Series as a self portrait.
Sean Paul Gallegos
Racing Through The Night To A Stormy Day, 2020
cotton and synthetic fibers on cotton warp utilizing the four-selvaged method, foam, lauan 7.75 x 6 x 5.25 in.
These sculptures were started early during the pandemic lockdown, using the yarns I had. They are hand woven cotton and synthetic fibers on cotton warp, utilizing the four-selvaged tapestry technique. The beginnings of a new body of work that arose from a desire to turn tapestry weaving into sculpture. This was a study of the concept of home, created during the shelter in place portion of the year. Compartmentalizing the histories, ethnicities and symbology that comprise my story of home that once was.