Terumi Saito "The Pantheon Of Bird Deities' (detail)
Member Benefits
We thought we’d introduce ourselves! Surface Design Association brings together studio artists, designers, educators, curators, gallery owners, students, and writers through a shared passion for fiber art.
We’re always looking to build our community.
Become a member via Join SDA or email info@surfacedesign.org
Use the buttons below to explore your membership options. If you’re interested in upgrading your membership, please contact info@surfacedesign.org for details.
Premium Digital
Digital + Print
Premium Digital + Print
- Annual fee - $75 US
- 2 Year Fee - $140 US
- Student Annual Fee - $60 US
- Online access to Surface Design Journal digital version, including back issues with links and videos
- 3 images and your website link in SDA Member/Art Directory (We get over 6,000 visits to SDA website every month)
- Eligible to apply for awards and grant opportunities
- Eligible to submit to member exhibits(excludes online exhibits) and member discounts for other calls for entry
- Eligible to publicize events (eg. your workshop, exhibit, lecture) on the SDA online calendar
- Monthly Inside SDA e-newsletters with updates and more opportunities
- Online access to numerous resources, including swatch collection
- Early registration for bi-annual conferences and discounted registration fees
- 10% discount on digital, web and print advertising
- Networking opportunities with local members in your regional group and even more members at bi-annual conferences
- Participation in SDA members-only Facebook group
Premium Digital
Premium Digital
- Annual fee - $100 US
- Student Annual Fee - $85 US
Your SDA Premium Digital Membership includes all of the benefits of a Digital membership PLUS:
- Total of 10 images in SDA Member/Art Directory
- Your images included in the Premium Gallery + eligible to be included in Online Exhibitions
- More exposure and promotion through SDA online platforms
Digital + Print
Digital + Print
- Annual Fee - $100 US*
- 2 Year Fee - $190 US*
- Student Annual Fee - $85 US*
Your SDA Digital + Print Membership includes the quarterly Surface Design Journal in print mailed to you PLUS all of the benefits of a Digital membership.
Premium Digital + Print
Premium Digital + Print
- Annual Fee - $125 US*
- 2 Year Fee - $240 US*
- Student Annual Fee - $110 US*
Your Premium Digital + Print Membership includes the quarterly Surface Design Journal in print mailed to you PLUS all benefits of a Premium Digital membership.
Organization, Museum, School, Institution, and Guild Memberships
Annual Fees:
- $175 US for U.S. mailing address
- $187 US for Canadian mailing address
- $195 US for international mailing address
Your Affiliate membership includes:
- Online access to Surface Design Journal digital version, including digital back issues with links and videos
- The Surface Design Journal in print mailed to you
- Eligibility to publicize events (eg. exhibit, lecture, conference) on the SDA online calendar
- 10% discount on digital, web and print advertising
- Monthly InsideSDA e-newsletters with updates and more opportunities
- Early registration for the biennial conferences and discounted registration fees
- Online access to numerous resources, including swatch collection
- Networking opportunities with members at the biennial conferences