Ann Ribbens
Sea Fans, 2016
Deconstructed screen printing on cotton; seed stitching; machine quilted 42" x 18.5" x .25"
Linda Colsh
par hasard, 2020
Standing Scroll: Side 1 printed used paper coffee filters; Side 2 cotton fabric painted, printed, inked & dyed by the artist (includes screenprinting with screens made from her digitally altered photographs); machine pieced & machine quilted H9 x W120 inches (installed as single scroll: H9 x W21 xD14 inches; double scroll H9 x W28 x D14 inches)
Patricia Coleman
Poplar Leaf on Silk, 2016
Upcycled silk, poplar leaves, wild geranium leaf Apx. 14" X 12"
connie strayer
New View, 2021
Silk, linen, paper 20" H x 53" W x .5" D
Galadriel Breezy
Even White Chicks…, 2021
Silk, Cotton, recycled sari silk 9 1/2”X24”
Helen Geglio
Women’s PPE: Wound Care, 2020
Embroidered and stiffened cotton, found domestic textiles 20 x 17 x 4"
Kim Paxson
Taken by Surprise, 2021
The hand-embroidered dress is made of wool felted by artist. The background is a commercial fabric. Shoe insoles are Time magazine covers. The text embroidered on the sleeves is from her obituary. The text on the velvet armband is a very sad fact. 72 x 36
Andrea Finch
Oak Leaves III Bur Oak in green, 2019
Quilted Textiles 16”wide x 40”high x7”deep
Joan Webster-Vore
Wishes, 2015
paper, acrylic paint, wire, thread, reflections/shadows 8' H X 17' W X 9' D
Mary McCauley
, 2011
cotton fabric and threads, heavy interface 14" X 15" X 15"
Maggy Rozycki Hiltner
Memorial Wreath: Take Care of Yourself, 2018
hand-stitched and found embroidery, cotton, linen 14 x 16"
Alex Friedman
Crossroads: El Dorado, 2016
wood, synthetic Hoggut, silk on cotton warp 9.5" x 9.5"
Lori LaBerge
Residential Lockdown, 2020
Hand-dyed wool, acrylic paint on linen 20 x 20
Jacqueline Mallegni
Desert Wind One, 2021
Rattan, handmade kozo paper, kakishibu 18 x 16 x 12 inches
Marianne Fairbanks
Gradient Slippage, 2018
Cotton, tencel and polyester handwoven on TC2 Loom 35.5" X 26"
Jennifer Lee Morrow
Portrait of an Artist, 2019
found & altered papers, found & burnt wood, appropriated drawing, film stock, nails, thread, gold leaf 48” x 25” x 6”
Patricia Resseguie
At Mile Markers 7 and 14, 2008
Silk thread over armature At Mile Marker 7: 9"H x 12"W x 9" D. At Mile Marker 14: 6.5"H x 12" w x 9" D
Sean Paul Gallegos
Trinity of Hybrids Map, 2021
Wool woven on cotton warp utilizing the four-selvage method with pearl cotton hand embroidery 9 x 12 x .75 in
Alicia Merrett
Quagma, 2019
Original digital image printed on cotton fabric, cotton and polyester threads 26” x 47”
Ellen Solari
And Now, 2018
wire, reed, hand-dyed yarn and paper, found objects 16x10x8"