Despair (Uncontained)

Despair (Uncontained)

Artist: Kimberley Harding

Title: Despair (Uncontained)

Attribution: Despair (Uncontained) by Kimberley Harding

Year: 2020

Materials: round reed, crochet cotton, wire, onion bags, fabric remnants, antique lace, unryu paper, acrylic paint, glue, thread

Dimensions: 36" w x 14" h x 24" d

Image Statement: Despair bursts forth, uncontained. I feel caught, netted, in the tangles of my emotions. 380,000 dead (and counting) in the U.S. A. from the covid-19 pandemic, racial injustice and violence, climate change, white supremacy, voter suppression, so many lies, unemployment, recession, and wildfires – how can anyone be expected to contain their despair over these situations? Yet we ought to look closely to see them for what they are. Repetitive tasks such as crochet, netting and twining are soothing, meditative, they keep my fingers occupied and my eyes away from the news. I feel better now.