Against Forgetting What Has Been Lost

Against Forgetting What Has Been Lost

Artist: Michele Pollock

Title: Against Forgetting What Has Been Lost

Attribution: Against Forgetting What has Been Lost, 2021, Michele Heather Pollock

Year: 2021

Materials: Eco-dyed cotton fabric, yarn, hardware cloth, wire, cotton embroidery thread, interfacing, acrylic paint

Dimensions: 24" x 8"

Image Statement: I've developed a rare autoimmune disease which has made it very difficult for me to hike in my woods any longer, and this piece was creeach eleated as a way for me to memorialize, for myself, the experience of being in the forest. The fabrics were eco-dyed with fallen leaves from the forest floor, and ment is based on something that I have actually observed, and photographed, in the woods.