Event Calendar
Share your event with Surface Design Association’s international community of 3000 artists, designers, and enthusiasts. The Calendar is home to fiber, textile and design related exhibitions, events, workshops, and artist opportunities. Click here to submit exhibitions, events, workshops, and artist opportunities to the SDA Calendar. Questions? Please email: calendar@surfacedesign.org.

Adrienne Sloane finds a 3-D image to go with a metaphor through her deep exploration of sculptural knit structures. Her work has often addressed timely but universal issues while remaining mindful of the rich historical context of her medium. Broadening her artistic toolbox, Sloane’s current work incorporates fiber and mixed media.
In PeaceWork, Adrienne uses found puzzles and plastic soldiers to create a limited edition chessboard in a custom tin box, like an old board game. It’s called Culture Wars and she makes them to order. She has reconstructed jigsaw pieces into an artwork called Color Line with a blood red knit trail running through white to black pieces. Missing Pieces is a puzzle piece pile up with red names of Black murder victims on top of a crooked puzzle of the Constitution. Her Mona Lisa and bucolic landscapes in puzzle pieces framed with knitting round out this summer show.
Adrienne Sloane, Red Line, 2022, 13.5×14
storefront art projects
Watertown, Massachusetts United States