Outstanding Student Awards 2022, Part 1 (of 4)
July 8, 2022
The winners of SDA’s Outstanding Student Awards were recently announced for the students who have demonstrated excellence in fiber arts. The work of these artists embodied inventive and innovative use of technique, materials and concepts in fiber art, and will be spotlighted over the next four weeks. Congratulations to all 41 awardees.

Kendall Pulido (she/her), Trophy, 2022. Hand sewn fleece, plastic, hand sculptued polymer clay, 14 x 6.5 x 9.5 inches. Photo by the artist. University of North Texas, Undergraduate. @starlight_of_arraya

Lexi Best (she/her), I’ll Wear My Crown With Pride, 2022. Handwoven cotton on TC2, 41 x 40.5 inches. Photo: Robin Haller. East Carolina University, Undergraduate. @__lexibest

Kayla Powers (she/her), Self Preservation, 2022. Natural dyed (with locally foraged plants), quilted cotton, linen, bamboo, silk, wool, polyester, beeswax, bubblewrap, plastic, seeds, flowers, hair, wood, 74 x 52 inches. Photo by the artist. Cranbrook Academy of Art, Graduate. kaylapowers.studio | @Kayla.powers

Victoria Foster (she/they), Shibori Pocket Project, 2022. Machine sewn, hand-dyed, hand-woven bamboo, cotton, shibori. Photo by the artsit. Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Undergraduate. victoriascurlycrafts.godaddysites.com | @curly.crafts.tori

Emma Wilson (she/her), A Moment to Think, 2022. Needle-felted merino wool, bamboo fiber, 10.5 x 14 inches. Photo by the artist. Savannah College of Art and Design, Undergraduate. lajunestudio.com | @LajuneStudio

Bailey Knight (she/her), Make Time for Coffee in the Morning, 2022. TC2 woven, indigo-dyed chenille cotton, 42″ x 32 inches. Photo by the artist. North Carolina State University, Graduate. bailey-knight.com | @fibressence

Logan Connelly (he/him), Restaural, 2021. Knitted acrylic, lurex, Swarovski rhinestones, 9 x 9 inches. Photo by the artist. Thomas Jefferson University, Undergraduate. @textilesxlogan

Aaron Pozos (they/he/she), Technouroboros, 2022. Quilted, appliquéd toned cyanotype, dyed fabric, 84 x 96 inches. Photo by the artist. University of North Texas, Graduate. pozosprints.com | @afterapture

ti hempel (they/them), transparency, 2021. Screenprinted, dyed, homespun cotton, transparent print paste, 118 x 47 inches. Photo by the artist. Massey University, Undergraduate. @__ti.rex | @itsss.ti

Emily Zarse (she/her), Contained, 2022, Natural dyed, shibori, silk, latex, madder, pomegranate, oak gall, chamomile, alum, prenatal vitamins, dried slime, used single use coffee cup, stroller, 23 x 53 x 44 inches. Photo: Morgan Stephenson. Indiana University, Graduate. emilyzarse.com | @emilyzarse
For more information check out the Grants & Outstanding Student Awards page.