Web Links to “Paper & Books” Issue/Summer 2011 Surface Design Journal

“…glancing through the articles, one meets papermaking as a focus of research, a means toward expressive artwork, an economic stimulus in a developing  country, a form of therapy.”
– Patricia Malarcher (Editor) Surface Design Journal

Mary Hark’s Paper of Substance
By Jody Clowes

“I love stacks of paper,” Hark says, “I love the mess. I love the water.
I love making exquisite stuff with essentially free materials.”

Mary Hark: www.maryhark.co
Jody Clowes
(author): www.linkedin.com/pub/jody-clowes

Report from the Field:  Hand Papermaking in Kumasi
By Mary Hark

Papermaking in Kumasi has engaged the imaginations of artists and scientists, of university trained scholars and subsistence farmers.

Michael Adashie: handpapermakinginkumasi.blogspot.com
Rita Yeboah: handpapermakinginkumasi.blogspot.com
Kwaku (Castro) Kissiedu: www.facebook.com/kbkissiedu
Adadam Agoffoma: [no link found]
Mary Hark (author): www.maryhark.co

Jiyoung Chung:  A Paper Romance
By Karen Searle

While joomchi-making is not a widely  known craft, even in Korea, it is undergoing a renaissance due to the interest of contemporary artists.

Jiyoung Chung: www.jiyoungchung.com
Karen Searle (author): www.karensearle.com

The Combat Paper Project:  Repurposing Memories
By Allison Roscoe

Combat Paper is made from military clothing worn during war.

Combat Paper Project: www.combatpaper.org
Warrior Writes: www.warriorwriters.org
Drew Cameron: www.greendoorstudio.net/drewcameron.html
Drew Matott: www.combatpaper.org/artists/drewmatott.html
Donna Perdue: www.combatpaper.org/artists/perdue.html
Jim O’Neill: www.combatpaper.org/artists/jimoneill.html
Eli Wright: www.combatpaper.org/images/gallery/freedomfighter.html
John La Falce: www.greendoorstudio.net/lafalce/lafalce.html
Margaret Mahan: www.combatpaper.org/artists/margaretmahan.html
Tom Lascell: www.combatpaper.org/artists/lascell.html
Allison Roscoe (author): [no link found]

The Power of Process:  Amy Jacobs
By Katey Schultz

“The act of creating slowly is essential to my well-being,” says Jacobs. By working intuitively and trusting what comes, I allow the process to take over.”

Amy Jacobs (Dieu Donné Papermill): www.facebook.com/dieudonnepapermill
Dieu Donne website: www.dieudonne.org
Katey Schultz (author): www.thewritinglife2.blogspot.com

Embracing Ritual Art:  Leslie Nobler
By Rachel B. Cochran

Leslie Nobler’s work combines an interest in computer art, artist books, printmaking, and fiber. She is always pushing the capabilities of digital printing in order to recapture the past and “to add the tactile and the natural to the ‘cyber’ side of art.”

Leslie Nobler: www.centerforbookarts.org
Rachel B. Cochran (author): www.fiberrevolution.com

Solving Personal Riddles:  Sculpting Evidence in Paper and Fabric
By Carol Henderson

[Gignoux] loves cloth and paper because they consistently offer a highly sensual and sensitive field on which to play. “When I work with these materials a personal narrative emerges,” she says. “It is also a way to confront loss and disrepair.”

Marguerite Jay Gignoux: www.facebook.com/people/Marguerite-Jay-Gignoux
Carol Henderson (author): www.carolhenderson.com

World Winds Blow:  The Artist Books of Karen Guancione
By A.M. Weaver

The aesthetics of accumulation and excess resonate in Guancione’s world. She habitually collects discarded materials and debris, from candy wrappers and fabric scraps to plastic bags, transforming them into intricate woven tapestries and books.

Karen Guancione: karenguancione.com
A.M. Weaver (author): www.creativeafricanetwork.com/person/20801

Paper in the ‘Hood
By Daniella Woolf

Santa Cruz, California, is a growing center for paper and book artists.

Jody Alexander: www.jalexbooks.com
Windy Aikin: www.wendyaikin.com
Melody Overstreet: www.linkedin.com/pub/melody-overstreet
Lisa Hochstein: www.lisahochstein.com
Will Marino: www.willmarino.com
Daniella Woolf (author): www.daniellawoolf.com

1 Comment

  • Melinda says

    October 1, 2011 at 9:33 am

    What a great resource. Thanks for pulling these together!

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