Outstanding Student Awards 2018 (Part I of IV)
August 15, 2018
The winners of Surface Design Association’s Outstanding Students Awards were announced this past June, and what an amazing group emerging professional work we received. All the student’s work features innovation within the field of fibers and textiles and is part of a cohesive and professionally accomplished body of work. With 40 winners (both nationally and internationally), we’ve decided to break the gallery up into four batches of 10 students. Nominated by the chair of their department, all winners receive a free digital membership for the year.

Marie Fornaro (Graduate) Discomfort Object, recycled clothing, bedsheets, thread, dyed cotton batting, vintage rocking chair, machine-quilted, hand-cut. Virginia Commonwealth University.

Audrey Foster (Undergraduate) Coral Pheasant Pattern, Bic pen, digital scan, digital print. University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

Suzi Ballenger (Graduate) Suggestive Freedoms, paper, steel, 6′ x 18″ x 18″. University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.

Christopher Rogers (Undergraduate) Beauty, linen, lace, fiber-reactive dyes, sewn construction. University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.

Jordan Wilshaw (Undergraduate) Untitled, cotton fabric, Jacquard-woven, digitally manipulated, 24″ x 36″. Eastern Michigan University, School of Art & Design.

Drew McKevitt (Graduate) Flux, monofilament, cotton, wool, knitted on Shima Seiki 10 Cut, 35″ x 30″. Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University.

Ger Xiong (Undergraduate) Hidden Beneath, fabric, wire, hand-sewn. New Mexico State University.

Morgan Lochbihler (Undergraduate) Summer, cotton, screen-printed. Appalachian State University.

Jiachen Liu (Graduate) The Light in the Fire, the Water in the Sea, bamboo, linen, wool, hand-dyed, Jacquard-woven, 42″ x 68″. School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Nat Duong (Undergraduate) Yearning to Belong (A Devotion to Platonic Sensualism), nylon, makeup wipes, sewn, performance. James Madison University.
For more information on the Outstanding Student Awards go to https://test.surfacedesign.org/members/awards-grants/ or email awardsadministrator@surfacedesign.org
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