Outstanding Student Awards 2018 (Part II of IV)
August 22, 2018
Our second gallery of SDA’s Outstanding Students Award Winners is just as amazing as last week’s, and features innovation within the field of fibers and textiles. Nominated by the chair of their department, all winners receive a free digital membership for the year.

Alicia Decker (Graduate) Stories of Oaxaca, cotton sateen, fiber reactive dyes, digitally printed. University of California, Davis.

Christina Sadovnikov (Undergraduate) I Sea Us Together, cotton, indigo, turmeric, trash, wire wood, screen-printed, dyed, embroidered, installation. Virginia Commonwealth University.

Katharine Forgan (Graduate) Ripple Suit, scuba fabric, crepe fabric, stitched, sliced, draped. Pacific Northwest College of Art and Oregon College of Art and Craft.

Kelsey deLisser (Undergraduate) Croton Clusters, pen, gouache, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, 24″ x 36″. School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Claire Carr (Undergraduate) Salvaged Expression, demin, reclaimed chair, screen-printed, dyed, upholstered, 20″ x 26″. University of California, Davis.

Kate Garman (Graduate) Blankets, muslin, acrylic paint, installation, each 3′ x 5′. Tyler School of Art, Temple University.

Ashley Blair (Undergraduate) 1950’s Soda Shop, cotton, craft felt, silk organza, thread,batting, pellon, ink-jet printed, dyed, sewn, quilted, hand-stitched, 12″ x 12″. University of North Georgia.

Oxana Dallas (Graduate) Gertvoprinosheniye, cotton, polyester, irate weft, digitally designed, woven, 62″ x 42″ (triptych). School of Art, Center for Visual Arts, Kent State University.

Annabelle McCall (Undergraduate) Soft Engraving, Eri Ahimsa silk, repeat pattern, engraved, 3′ x 6′. Reed College.

Kelly Runningen (Undergraduate) Untitled, naturally dyed, screen-printed, quilted, 45″ x 45″. Kansas City Art Institute.

Jang Hay Lim (Ph.D. Candidate) Inner Sign, polyester, digitally printed, laser cut, 91″ x 43″. Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea.
For more information on the Outstanding Student Awards go to https://test.surfacedesign.org/members/awards-grants/ or email awardsadministrator@surfacedesign.org
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