Outstanding Student Awards 2018 (Part III of IV)
August 29, 2018
This week presents our third batch of SDA’s Outstanding Students Award Winners and they will continue the streak of innovation within the field of fibers and textiles. Nominated by the chair of their department, all winners receive a free digital membership for the year.

Julian Martinez (Graduate) Untitled, plastic, spray paint, thread, heat manipulation, sewn, pieced, 5′ x 8′. Oregon College of Art and Craft.

Madeline Mitchell (Undergraduate) Marked Series: Meat Dress and Pink Power, fabric, foam, pattern drafting, sewn. Oregon College of Art and Craft.

Jackie Buchheit (Undergraduate) Einstein’s Dreams, denim, hand-embroidered. University of Missouri.

Madeline Halsey (Undergraduate) Fruits of Labor: Blood Orange, acrylic, tempera, dyes, chalk Patels, pencils, hand-painted, 39″ x 42″. Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University.

Feather Chiaverini (Undergraduate) Homonormativity, batik, felt, laser-cut, 31″ x 56″. College for Creative Studies.

Krissi Riewi (Graduate) Assembled Plaid, silk, wool mill ends, uncut fringe, cord, resin 3D printed beads, basket-woven. University of North Texas.

Alexa Renee Graham (Undergraduate) Beholder. Beheader., cotton, raw silk, natural-dyed, eco-printed, handwoven, steel hooks, 180″ x 180″. Colorado State University.

Simone Johnson (Undergraduate) Nebulous J., cotton, rayon, painted warp, supplemental weft, 18″ x 50″. East Carolina University.

Bethany Dittmar (Undergraduate) Little Notions, monofilament, embroidery floss, dobby woven, 18″ x 12″. Savannah College of Art and Design.

Melissa K. Mursch (Undergraduate) Skin pt. 2, cotton, embroidery floss, thread, poly-fit, dyed, constructed, hand-stitched, 37″ x 25″. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
For more information on the Outstanding Student Awards go to https://test.surfacedesign.org/members/awards-grants/ or email awardsadministrator@surfacedesign.org
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