Outstanding Student Award Winners (Part II of III)
July 26, 2017
Our second gallery of SDA’s Outstanding Students Award Winners is just as amazing as last week’s, and features innovation within the field of fibers and textiles. Nominated by the chair of their department, all winners receive a certificate as well as a one-year membership to the Surface Design Association.

Shea Lohss Untitled, cotton muslin, hand stitched Mokume Shibori, iron mordanted, dipdyed weld natural dye, indigo, 32″ x 24″. Undergraduate at Tyler School of Art.

Amy Sio-Atoa Imagining Paradise, Arcadia, design on Photoshop, Digitally printed Belgian Linen, digitally embroidery, 1.1m x 2m. Graduate at College of Creative Arts, Massey University.

Sydney Jones Miracle Makers, Digitally printed fabrics. Undergraduate at North Carolina State University.

Kayleen Dejesus At the Edge of My Sanity, cotton canvas, screen printed, Procion MX dye, textile pigment, walnut wood framing. 64″ x 28″. Undergraduate at California College of the Arts.

Suzi Ballenger Boundaries, cotton, linen, paper, horsehair, handwoven, manipulated, 28″ x 11″ x 8″. Graduate at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

Katharine Forgan Anxiety Active Wear, sweater constructed from scuba knit. Graduate at Pacific Northwest College of Art and Oregon College of Art and Craft.

Tim Glanvill Duel Skills, free motion machine embroidery, 35 x 22″. Undergraduate at University of Missouri.

Kellie Reid Mindscape, cotton, silk wrapped stainless steel, hand weaving with overshot inlay, 72″ x 26″. Undergraduate at Alberta College of Art & Design.

Taylor Barnes Untitled, branch, gesso, cotton, 46 x 4″. Graduate at University of North Texas.

Lilith Chen I see you, synthetic warp, cording weft, 42″ x 47″ x 4″. Undergraduate at Baylor University.

Christine Brown Botanical Synapses, cotton substrate, layered fabric dying, stencil design, Japanese Shibori techniques, 45″ x 24″. Graduate at William Paterson University.

Alyssa Rae Natoci Flora Dress, merino wool, yarn, cotton thread colorwork, vintage Japanese silk skirt panels, aluminum potassium sulfate, flower-pounding, appliqué, hand-stitched, 14″ x 37″. Undergraduate at Kendall College of Art & Design of Ferris State University.

Florence Violet Pinsent, free hand narrative-based drawing, edited in Photoshop, 244 cm x 177 cm. Undergraduate at Manchester School of Art.

Meredith West Reverie, hand painted motifs, digitally printed, 4524 x 3168 pixels. Graduate at North Carolina State University.

Megan Onuskanych The Lushand, deposits graphite, gouache, watercolor, pen, Adobe Photoshop, 54 x 54″. Undergraduate at Philadelphia University.
For more information on the Outstanding Student Awards go to https://test.surfacedesign.org/members/awards-grants/ or email awardsadministrator@surfacedesign.org
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