Outstanding Student Award Winners (Part I of III)
July 19, 2017
The winners of SDA’s Outstanding Students Awards were recently announced, and this year had one of the strongest batches of submissions yet! All the student’s work features innovation within the field of fibers and textiles and is part of a cohesive and professionally accomplished body of work. With 45 winners (both nationally and internationally), we’ve decided to break the gallery up into three batches of 15 students. Nominated by the chair of their department, all winners receive a certificate as well as a one-year membership to the Surface Design Association.

Ella Anderson Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk, canvas, yarn, embroidery floss, hand stitched, constructed, 22″ x 22″ x 27″. Undergraduate at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Peck School of the Arts.

Anthony Beal Artemisia vulgaris (from Hexes and Herbals collection), CAD Design, 11″ x 17″. Undergraduate at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

Hea Kim Indecisive Valley, mixed media, papier-mache, wood, straws, surface treatment on various objects, 2m x 2.5m x 1m. Undergraduate at Concordia University.

Jasmine Kornel Bandage, merino wool, naturally dyed, hand woven, manipulated, 120″ x 36″. Graduate at Kent State University.

Hannah Ehrlich Permafrost, frame loom tapestry, hand dyed muslin, 8′ x 16′. Undergraduate at University of Georgia, Lamar Dodd School of Art.

Mylene Raiche Morceaux d’Ciel/Pieces of Sky (installation), found embroidery hoops, gold paint, sewing thread, wood, nails, 72″ x 120″ x 96″. Graduate at Concordia University.

Megan Turner Shifting Perspectives, handwoven, ikat warp, cotton, rayon, metallic ribbon, 26″ x 20″. Undergraduate at East Carolina University, School of Art and Design.

Anna Van Gheem Interwoven, hand dyed wool roving, cotton, handwoven. Undergraduate at Kansas City Art Institute.

Abigail Schnure What if, What if, What If, steel wire, monofilament, tubular double weave, manipulated wire, 18″ x 18″ x 24″. Undergraduate at Kent State University.

Kaylin Francis Shades of Indigo, indigo, silk chiffon, muslin, reclaimed denim, shibori, hand dyeing, piecing, garment construction, 40″ x 40″; 70″ x 40″. Undergraduate at Oregon College of Art and Craft.

Yaya Giovanni Boundless, fiber reactive dye, silk, rayon, shibori, 3 yards x 1 yard. Undergraduate University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Kathryn McCarthy Dans la Lune coat ensemble, wool coat, digitally printed lining, reverse applique, trapunto, embroidery, hand beading, silk crepe de chine t-shirt, hand beading, denim jean, machine embroidery, 11″ x 10″. Undergraduate at Stephens College

Sasha Baskin Penelope and her Veil, ikat, handwoven damask, tencel and silk yarns, natural dyes, 30″ x 40″. Graduate at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Tina Rice Tomorrow is Never (diptych, cotton, linen, silk, natural dye, 27″ x 45″. Graduate at Iowa State University.

Alice Cao Imaginary Landscape, various fabric, lutradur, tyvek, aluminum foil, envelope paper, bubble wrap, packing peanuts, wool felt, latex gloves, cardboard, 40 x 34″. Undergraduate at Rhode Island School of Design.
For more information on the Outstanding Student Awards go to https://test.surfacedesign.org/members/awards-grants/ or email awardsadministrator@surfacedesign.org
1 Comment
Nancy Purington says
July 29, 2017 at 6:04 pm
Amazing visions and expressions. I am grateful to have this chance to see the new works, 2017. Amazing, deja vu. So lovely, too.
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